Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week 99 T-6

Alright another great week in beautiful Sydney Australia! 

It started off a bit rough but finished strong. On monday we were playing footy with a bunch of elders in the zone and elder barlow went to step, and his ankle gave out on him and there was this really loud pop and he went down. after a couple days of going to doctors and getting x-rays we found out that he fractured his tibia down near the ankle and he's in a boot for the next 6 weeks, so pretty much the rest of his mission. the poor guy can't put any pressure on it so we had to do some trade-offs to cover their appointments. it was pretty interesting, but we did manage to get some work done in our area and found a couple new investigators. one of them was found on trade-offs when i was out of the area so i'm not too sure who he is, but elder Liao said he had a lot of good questions so that should be good. This weekend the train line that goes through hurstville was having work done so we had to take the buses and it was a nightmare. took about 4 times as long to drive than it did to train. and i ended up next to this guy from Hong Kong that i talked to for about an hour driving from central to Kogarah and i still don't know exactly what he believes. he said he was going to the Buddhist temple to worship but then he tells me that he believes in Jesus Christ... and Muhammad... and Confucius.... so i was trying to figure that out and all of a sudden he's trying to use the bible to prove reincarnation! hahaha i was so confused. Also he told me that he has a book of Mormon at home that he uses as a reference... not sure how that works, but he was a really nice guy and i gave him a pass-along card with our church's address on it so he can come if he ever wants to. haha some experiences only happen to missionaries!

Jack is still doing great. we taught him the law of chastity this week and committed him to live it. we're hoping to set a date with him this next week. right now he is down in Canberra with all the YSA in the branch. and later he will be going to Melbourne to watch his friend get baptized down there! haha turns out his friend met the missionaries down there and is getting baptized. pretty sweet. Jack is so fun to teach because he is very humble and sincerely wants to follow God in his life. His prayers are so awesome. He is the epitome of a sincere heart and real intent. i love jack. he's the man.

Joy has still been out of town and preparing for winter semester. we're hoping to meet up this week, but she might be busy again so i'll let you know!

Shirley texted us last week and told us that she's been really busy with finals coming up so she wasn't able to answer our texts or calls. and then she got really sick last week. so hopefully we'll be able to meet up with her this week.

Charles Kong gets back from melbourne today so hopefully we can set something up for later this week. 
We picked up a former investigator named mr. chen. haha i met with him once with elder ward my first week and then he never got back to us and then elder liao called him last week and he told us he needed help translating at the RTA (DMV of australia) so we went and helped him out and it was really quick so we asked if we could walk to the library and share a message and he said yes so we walked and talked and he told us that the reason he didn't get back to us is because it was too hard to communicate... dangit.... haha but that's alright. he DID tell me that my chinese has improved a lot since last time we met. so that made me happy. but we'll be meeting up with him from now on and he will be coming to english class as well. i don't know if i've told yous, but we started teaching english on friday nights. we're starting slow, but hopefully picking up the pace soon and we'll be able to use it as a finding tool.

Other than that things are pretty much the same as always. a lot of finding, a good amount of teaching. i'd rather do more teaching and less finding, but that's alright. Tomorrow is the last day of June so our mission's book of mormon challenge is going to finish. i've read the whole thing in chinese and it's been a huge blessing. i love reading the scriptures and especially the book of mormon. 

This week we will be doing the mini mission so we're getting one of the priests in mortdale stake that will be coming to work with us from thursday to sunday. haha so we're trying to set as many appointments for those few days as possible. it should be good. 

Love you all! have a great week! church is true. 
Elder Tingey

Playing Footy on PDay

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