Well alright this is comin a bit late, but there's a good reason for it. So two weeks ago one of the recent converts in our ward asked if my companion and i could help him out with some service and of course we agreed so it comes to our knowledge that he needs our help on a monday..... haha but we thought it would be okay because he asked if we could come at 9:00 AM so we figured we wouldn't miss too much of P-day. Nek minute, we were with him until 3:30. haha so we are just barely getting to email. Good news is not a ton happened this week. haha just kidding. that's not really good news.
So today is the first day of september so the past week was the last week of the month so funds were running a bit slim. haha after we did our grocery shopping i had 5 dollars for the rest of the week. and that should have been fine, except we had to go to sydney on saturday for another MLC which not only took out a whole day of proselyting, but we had to buy lunch and dinner on the way up and back. SO, because i'm an eagle scout and i'm always prepared, i started a search through our flat for spare change. Now australia has a 1 dollar coin and a 2 dollar coin that are very popular so after turning over the sofa and pulling the beds out i was able to end up with 13 dollars to buy food with so i was really excited about that. and then the miracle of the week happened... The sisters that drove us up to sydney brought food for the car ride! haha just goes to show you that prayers are answered.
The MLC on saturday was with one of the area 70 and it was really good. Pretty much he came and told us that our mission has gone through a lot the past while and our numbers are really low. (we baptized 16 as a mission this past month which doesn't really match up with the 1 baptism per companionship per month standard they have set) so we talked a lot about it. basically the main thing that happened was that we kneeled down as a council and prayed about how we can get the mission to the point of 1 baptism per companionship per month. It was really cool and we've got some great goals and plans to get us to that point. I'm really excited about it. It was funny, though, because the area 70 (his name is elder Oriordan) told us that a couple months ago the brisbane mission had 107 baptisms in one month. and so later we were talking about how we can get to that point because 107 is exactly 1 baptism per companionship and one of the zone leaders raised his hand and said, "well, we could get some professional footy (rugby) players called to our mission." haha now the reason that is funny is because the Assistant to the president of the Brisbane mission was a guy named Will Hopoate and he was a professional footy player before his mission and he gave up a million dollar contract to serve a mission and now he's playing professional ball again and they used to hold firesides up there where he would just speak and people would just come to hear him and then the missionaries would just pick off the non-members like snipers. and it was funny because all of us were thinking it, he just had the guts to say it to an area 70....Elder Oriordan just kindof laughed and told us that if we have resources we need to use them. so we'll see what kindof things missionaries come up with.
We met up with a man named Jonathan yesterday. I don't know if i've told you about jonathan yet, but he is from sierra leone and we've met with him a couple times now. He grew up with a heavy christian and muslim influence. so he reads the bible, but isn't sure if he believes in jesus as the christ. so we've been talking to him a lot about the plan of salvation and how christ is a key part of it. Yesterday we were talking about the book of mormon and we talked about how if the book of mormon is true then our church is the true church of jesus christ on the earth and we asked what it would mean to him if there was a true church on the earth and his reply was "what would it mean to me if someone offered me limitless riches?" so we asked him if he found out the book of mormon was true if he would be baptized and he smiled way big and said, YES! it was pretty sweet. I'm really excited to keep meeting with him.
Okay that's pretty much it for this week. hope you are all enjoying saint george! and sarah and john on another cruise! livin the high life! haha love you all. have a great week!
-Elder Tingey
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